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SHPP "Opletnya”

Bulgaria Engineering EAD provides consulting services related to project "Sredni Iskar" for the construction of nine (9) small hydropower plants of channel type along the middle course of the river Iskar. Currently five (5) hydropower plants have been commissioned. During the last third phase, the remaining four small HPP will be constructed..

Small HPP "Opletnya” is part of the second phase of project Sreden Iskar. The hydropower plant is of channel type, located along the Iskar River, in municipality Svoge and partially in Municipality Mezdra. It has been constructed in the land of village Opletnya, municipality Svoge, Sofia district. The HPP has the following design parameters: net head 8.00 m, inlet water quantity 36 m3/s and nominal power 3000 kW. It is equipped with 1 Kaplan bulb-turbine.
The construction of the small HPP „Opletnya“ - similar to the most channel HPPs - requires redirection of the river and execution of relatively deep excavations for the plant building and overflows. The special feature in this case is the narrow development of the construction works front because the left river bank borders a road and the left one - a railway. For this site, the geotechnical works are divided into two phases, using the jet grouting technology, which facilitates the execution of the construction works, given the complex situation, allowing construction of almost vertical slopes. The maximum obtained depth of the vertical construction excavation is 12 m.

First phase - shifting of the river course only at the right part for construction of overflow facilities:

  • Execution of reinforced jet grouting columns to the nearby road and along the dike, longitudinal to the flow and dividing the river, as well as the two transverse dikes closing the construction site;
  • Reinforcement of the columns by means of steel micro-piles, embedded in the river bed;
  • Execution of a watertight diaphragm below the fields of the overflows;
  • Construction of steel concrete support wall at the road side;

Second phase - letting the river flow through the overflow facilities and closing of the right part of the river for construction of the HPP building and platform:

  • Execution of reinforced jet grouting columns along the new transverse dikes blocking the river;
  • Jet grouting founding in the HPP area;
  • Execution of a watertight diaphragm at the upper course below the inlet channel;
  • Execution of jet grouting and an injection diaphragm below the HPP platform;

The construction began in April 2011 and the site was commissioned in July 2013.


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Bulgaria Engineering S.p.A. offers services regarding energy management and energy efficiency:

  • Trade in Energy Savings Certificates for fulfillment of the individual targets of the obligated parties according to Art.14, Para. 4 of the Energy Efficiency Act;
  • Evaluation of the opportunities for application and/or realization of energy savings measures;
  • Evaluation of ESCO projects;
  • Development of specialized single methodologies for verification and generation of energy savings;
  • Industrial systems for generation of energy savings through improvement of the quality of electrical energy