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In the period 24-26.09.2017 in Salzburg, “Bulgaria Engineering” S.p.A. in the name of its founder eng. Plamen Dilkov took participation in the international conference at high level “Next Generation – Attractive Regions and Cities for Future Generations”. The event was held under the honorary patronage of  the president of the Republic of Austria Mr Alexander van der Bellen. The honorary committee included representatives of high level such as Mr Johannes Hahn (EU Commissioner), Mr Karl-Heinz Lambertz (President of the European Committee of the Regions), Mr Wilfried Haslauer (Governer of Salzburg), Mr Heinz Schaden (Mayor of Salzburg) and federal ministers of the Republic of Austria.

The discussion pannel in which eng. Plamen Dilkov participated was under the topic “The Next Generation of Renewable Energy” and reviewed the leading role of the European policy for the sector Renewable Energy, targeting  reduction of the green house gas emmissions  and other forms of air pollution, such as achievement of a decentralized and autonomous energy supply for the companies and final consumer.

In the beginning of the panel, with a brief presentation eng. Dilkov introduced to the forum participants the energy system of Bulgaria with its main characteristics and particularities, macroeconomic indicators of the country, potential of the energy efficiency projects, as well as with the good practices in the RES sector. An overview of innovative technologies was provided as well as of complete decisions for the realization of RES projects with minimal impact on the environment.

At the conference participated more than 300 representatives of political, economical, scientific and business sectors, as well as representatives of media from various European countries. The discussions provoked ideas and strategies for changes, aiming effectiveness in the development of the European regions and cities.


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Bulgaria Engineering S.p.A. offers services regarding energy management and energy efficiency:

  • Trade in Energy Savings Certificates for fulfillment of the individual targets of the obligated parties according to Art.14, Para. 4 of the Energy Efficiency Act;
  • Evaluation of the opportunities for application and/or realization of energy savings measures;
  • Evaluation of ESCO projects;
  • Development of specialized single methodologies for verification and generation of energy savings;
  • Industrial systems for generation of energy savings through improvement of the quality of electrical energy