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Sixth Summit of the Three Seas Initiative and Business Forum- 8th and 9th of July 2021


On 8th and 9th of July was held the Sixth Summit of the regional Three Seas Initiative, together with a large-scale Business Forum. The host of the international event was the Bulgarian Head of State Rumen Radev. Еvents during the Summit and the Business Forum brought together presidents and leaders of delegations of the 12 participating countries in the EU and the strategic partners: USA, Germany, and the European Commission. US President Joe Biden made a video address at the opening of the event, in which he expressed strong US support for the Three Seas Initiative.

During the forum was held meetings between the Chambers of Commerce, innovation agencies, and investment agencies of 3SI participating states, as well as parallel businesses’ meetings. Investments in transport, energy and digital infrastructure are a priority for the countries-parts of the Three Seas Initiative. The event was attended by over 400 representatives of Bulgarian and foreign business.

“Bulgaria Engineering” EAD received an official invitation to attеnd the Forum and participated actively in B2B meetings.

On 8th of July the Forum was opened by a Presidential Panel on the topic “ Three Seas Initiative: Road to smart development and comprehensive economic growth”. The topic of the Sixth  Summit was „Three Seas Initiative: A path to stronger, united and competitive Europe“.

The event included discussions on energy, innovation, transport and digitalization, as well as the Investment Fund of the Initiative.

Participants in Energy Panel:

  • Mr. Andrey Zhivkov, Minister of Energy, Republic of Bulgaria
  • Mrs. Georgette Mosbacher - Co-Chair of the Three Seas Program, Atlantic Council, USA
  • Mr. Graham Stuart, Minister for Exports of the UK
  • Ms. Teodora Georgieva, Executive Officer, ICGB AD, Greece
  • Mr. Olivier Marquette, President of AmCham Bulgaria and President of AES Bulgaria and Head of Business Development Eurasia, USA
  • Mr. Yves Le Stun‑ Managing Director Total EP Bulgaria & Total EP Greece
  • Mr. Ivan Pironkov, Director, Westinghouse Energy Systems LLC- Bulgaria Branch, USA
  • Mr. Piotr Naimski, Secretary of State for Strategic Energy Infrastructure, Republic of Poland
  • Mr. Andrew Light, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Energy for International

A­airs, USA

  • Mr. Virgil-Daniel Popescu, Minister of Energy of Romania
  • Mr. Jörn Schmücker, Senior Vice President Generation Large Rotating Equipment, Siemens Energy, Germany
  • Mr. Kurt Donnelly, Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Energy Resources
  • Ms. Dóra Zombori, Ministerial Commissioner for International Energy and Climate Relations, Ambassador-at-Large for Energy and Climate
  • Mr. Tom Mundy, Chief Commercial Officer, NuScale (SMR), USA

During the event, the Executive Officer of the project company ICGB Teodora Georgieva presented information about the progress of the pipeline, which should connect Bulgaria with the Southern Gas Corridor passing through Greece, thus diversifying Russian gas supplies to the country. The project was presented as a key opportunity for Bulgaria's energy transition to greener and more sustainable solutions

“Bulgaria Engineering” EAD, together with Tractebel Engineering S.A (Belgium), Tractebel Engineering SRL (Italy), INTBER GMBH (registered in Austria), Ipsilon Consult OOD (Bulgaria), is part of international consortium “TIBEY”, which is chosen for Owner’s Engineer for constrction of gas interconnector Greece-Bulgaria, as its role is key for management and control of the realization of the project in the preparation phase and during the implementation of the construction process



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Bulgaria Engineering S.p.A. offers services regarding energy management and energy efficiency:

  • Trade in Energy Savings Certificates for fulfillment of the individual targets of the obligated parties according to Art.14, Para. 4 of the Energy Efficiency Act;
  • Evaluation of the opportunities for application and/or realization of energy savings measures;
  • Evaluation of ESCO projects;
  • Development of specialized single methodologies for verification and generation of energy savings;
  • Industrial systems for generation of energy savings through improvement of the quality of electrical energy