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On December 14, 2016 Bulgaria Engineering EAD hosted this year's closing General Assembly of Confindustria Bulgaria. The Meeting was opened by the Ambassador of Italy in Sofia Stefano Baldi and Chairman of the Board of UniCredit Bulbank Levon Hampartzoumian. Honorary host of the event was Vice President of Confindustria Romania - Giulio Bertoni. On the part of hosts, Eng. Plamen Dilkov, Vice President of Confindustria Bulgaria, took an active part in the meeting.

In the evening, there was a Christmas cocktail gala organized by Bulgaria Engineering EAD, which was attended by over 150 people. Guests enjoyed the exquisite delicacies of Italian cuisine and the charity concert with the choir of Movimento dei Focolari, which collected BGN 1.275 donations.


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Bulgaria Engineering S.p.A. offers services regarding energy management and energy efficiency:

  • Trade in Energy Savings Certificates for fulfillment of the individual targets of the obligated parties according to Art.14, Para. 4 of the Energy Efficiency Act;
  • Evaluation of the opportunities for application and/or realization of energy savings measures;
  • Evaluation of ESCO projects;
  • Development of specialized single methodologies for verification and generation of energy savings;
  • Industrial systems for generation of energy savings through improvement of the quality of electrical energy